Mühlheim Erweckung 1905
Mühlheim Erweckung von Ernst Modersohn, aus den “Sabbathklängen” von 1905
Mühlheim Erweckung von Ernst Modersohn, aus den “Sabbathklängen” von 1905
Spirit-Filled Immigrants Bring Revival to Germany (Peter K. Johnson)
The beginnings of the Volksmission Entschiedener Christen in Berlin (1933-1945), Especially Considering the Biography of its founding father Karl Fix and His Theological Influence.
Early this year, I had the privilege to attend the Global Conference on Pentecostalism in Heidelberg, Germany. The two-day conference afforded me the opportunity to gain an extensive overview of the multi-layered academic research focus occurring in this fruitful area of study. Approximately ninety participants from eight European countries and the United States came to Heidelberg and vigorously interacted with various presentations in the academic disciplines including cultural anthropology, sociology, religious studies, gender studies, and theology.
Nobody can put in doubt that the Pentecostal Movement in the World has began as an international movement. But in no way it is correct to say that Pentecostalism is only a fruit out of American revivalism and was spread only through massive North American Mission Work in Europe. I think that my academicals studies had helped to proof this statement also for the situation in Germany. In the paper I will present in the following to want to show the importance of the various groups of ethnic Germans and single German emigrants to the development of Pentecostalism in Germany.
Among Bible believing Christians in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century, there was a great desire and longing to experience a deeper relationship with God. Along with this desire many questions were raised concerning the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Christian publications at that time featured articles with titles such as, “Dear Brothers, Let Us Speak With New Tongues!“, and “God Is Suffering Because There Is Not A Pentecostal Blessing“…
Many women felt called to missions after they were baptized in the Holy Spirit in the early 1900s. Many challenges lay ahead on the mission fields for these Pentecostal women. They left the comforts of home to spend a lifetime abroad. Wives joined their husbands to serve as a missionary couple. Single women who entered missionary work sometimes married missionary bachelors or widowers. Outstanding missionary partnerships emerged as couples increased their effectiveness by serving together. Some women died on foreign soil, leaving their husbands and children behind. Others struggled to carry on after their husbands died. This paper examines the call, competency, challenges, and the complementary ministry of six such married missionary women.