Mel Grams
Read online or download: Knowing God
German Version: Klare Schritte um Gott zu kennen
Forward by Dr. Paul Clark
I met Mel Grams working for Teen Challenge in Wiesbaden, Germany. His “deeper life” teaching captivated my attention as a young person and positively impacted my spiritual formation. Mel’s practical teaching intertwined with his authentic life message helped me to understand that being busy, doing the Lord’s work, in of itself alone cannot facilitate spiritual growth.
Don’t get me wrong, Mel in his book encourages every believer to be diligent in serving the Lord. However, it is imperative that our service for HIM and others flows out of an up to date intimate knowledge and personal relationship with our heavenly father.
Growing in our faith, and confidentially knowing God is a lifetime endeavor. Whether you are at the beginning of the faith journey or very far along, the following pages will encourage you to continue traveling this exciting path that leads to eternal fullness and joy.