It Matters What We Teach and Preach

Paul Clark Recently, my wife Mechthild asked the rhetorical question, “Does it really matter what we preach and teach?” It seems too often our hearers behave like the “kingless” children of Israel described in Judges, when “every man did that which was right in his own eyes” (17:6b KJV). In over 35 years of ministry, … Read more

Limitations are Opportunities

Limitations are Opportunities Paul Clark “God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on him.” (James Hudson Taylor, 1832-1905) I was born with a congenital eye problem which meant throughout school I could not see from my desk what the teacher wrote on the blackboard.  To read then, as now, I place … Read more

Success versus Comparison

Success versus Comparison Paul Clark “He has achieved success, who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (The first line in a poem written by Bessie Anderson Stanley in 1904) Recently, I had the privilege of turning over another one of our church plants to a German pastor and his wife. I am very … Read more

Der Leiter und seine Beziehungen im BFP (Paul Clark)

Ein wichtiger Aufgabenbereich unserer Arbeitsgruppe war es, uns mit der Entwicklung von Leiterschaft innerhalb des BFP zu beschäftigen und ganz konkret die  Beziehungen von Gemeindeleitern und Pastoren untereinander zu analysieren. Es stellte sich die Frage, wie diese Beziehungsgeflechte aussehen und funktionieren innerhalb der Struktur, die sich im Laufe der Jahre auf Bundes-, Regional- and Distriktebene … Read more

Self Leadership Seminar (Paul Clark)

Today we embark on a short journey in order to help each one of us better understand who we are as men and women in relation to the leadership call. Whether we are a pastor, a mother or father, a home group leader, or a Sunday school teacher, it is God’s desire for us to grow in leadership effectiveness. During the next few hours we will be looking at various areas of our lives where we can take forward steps, leading to personal and spiritual renewal in our lives and ministries. I do not want to disappoint you, but we will not be going through a superficial and quick five or ten step program toward effective leadership; we will rather look at personal and heart issues, affecting the very core of our being.

Managing Conflict in the Church (Paul Clark)

During the next few hours we are taking a journey together and we will be looking at a topic that many pastors and elders would prefer to avoid. Conflict management does not seem to be the most popular topic on the Christian conference circuit, and it appears to me that most Pentecostals and charismatics prefer to discover greater insight into receiving power from on high, as opposed to gaining a deeper understanding of how to better handle the gritty, earthly issues of interpersonal conflicts in the local church. Pentecostals and charismatics pride themselves on their unique spirituality because they are “spirit-filled”, yet they, no less than other Christians, are continually being bombarded by a multitude of church conflicts. One of my goals in this seminar is for us to not just think reactively, but proactively about conflict. When we look to the Lord we can be assured that He wants us to grow in our relationship to Him, and at the same time develop more effective skills in conflict resolution. There are many ways to define conflict, but I like the simple definition given by the renowned conflict mediator Bernhard Mayer.